Zodiac by Birthstone
GNJ - 2021

According to Chinese’s philosophy, all living things in the universe are originated from the five basic elements such as: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood.  Base on five element basic states, the prophet would guess what would happen in the past, present and future.  For example: Prophet would guess the fate of marriage, fate of family and also the fate of the country etc.  Choosing the right color of your stone is very important because it would help you to bring good health, good luck to your self, family and it also protects you from evil.

Five Element Match Color:

  • Metal:  Yellow, white

  • Wood:  Green

  • Water: Black, blue

  • Fire:  Purple, red, pink

  • Earth:  Brown, yellow, red

Zodiac by Year and Animal
GNJ - 2021